Kristin and Matt | Fall Engagement Session

October 25, 2019

Roger Williams Park fall engagement session

I’m so excited to share Kristin & Matt’s fall engagement session at Roger Williams Park with you all!

I knew that Kristin & Matt were my people when Kristin jokingly said she that she’s pretty sure Matt is marrying her because she never finishes a meal…and he gets to eat his and finish hers! 🤣💜 This is totally me and my husband, and neither guy would argue that! LOL!

Seriously, though, they are so sweet and laid back and they love their dog, Leia! (I love that her name is Leia….two of our cats are names Luke & Leia! #starwarsfansarethebest) They could not possibly have done pictures without her…no matter how hard Leia tried to do her own thing! 😂 She eventually got on board with what the people were trying to accomplish! 🤣

Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session

I think fall engagement sessions are my favorite!!! 🍂🍁❤️ Seriously, when you live in New England why wouldn’t you roll around in the leaves together?!? Aren’t they the freaking cutest?!?

Roger Williams Park fall engagement session

I could not stop smiling while I was editing this session! It makes me so happy when I get to photograph couples who absolutely light up when they look at each other! 💜

Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session

Life advice….marry someone who loves you enough to make silly animal noises in your ear when your photographer asks you to cuddle together! 🤣😍

Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session
Roger Williams Park fall engagement session

Kristin and Matt, I cannot wait for your wedding next year! I don’t know if I’m more excited about getting to capture the two of you snuggling again or the donuts from Rocco’s….I think it’s probably both! 😂🍩 It’s going to be a perfect, jelly-filled day!

If you are looking for a light, natural, fun and candid wedding photographer to spend your day with you then I would LOVE to chat! I want to make sure your photos look and feel like you! #itsyourstory Contact me here!!


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