Fall Engagement Session – Benson Park | Tracy and Tim

October 19, 2020

Fall engagement sessions are my favorite! I took a drive up to southern New Hampshire, leaf peeping all the way, to meet up with Tracy and Tim! They are the sweetest!! I know, I say that about all of my couples, but it’s because I seriously have the BEST couples ever! Tracy and Tim love to hike and they love to spend the summer in Maine so it totally made sense to help them plan a perfect fall engagement session in the heart of New England at Benson Park in stunning Hudson, NH!

Fall engagement session in New England

Tracy and Tim have been together for four years already! They are planning a gorgeous summer wedding at a castle, perfect for a princess! I fell even more head over heels for them when they told me that for their first date they went to see Beauty & the Beast, the live action movie! #Disneycouplesarethebest. Pat and I went to see a live performance of Beauty & the Beast on stage for our first date! Absolute perfection!

Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England

Tim shared with me that once he decided to propose he had a really short time to choose the perfect ring because he wanted to ask Tracy to be his bride on a beach in Maine that is special to their family and there was only one weekend to make it happen! And during Covid, trying to find the perfect ring was tricky! I think he killed it!!

I mean….how freaking cute are they together?!?

Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England

I always encourage couples to choose two outfits for their engagement sessions, one that’s a little dressier and one that’s a little more casual and true to who you really are together! And so when they change into jeans it means that I can send them out into a field and make it look dreamy….all while stomping like a crazy person to make sure there are no snakes! 🀣

Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England

Just look at fall in New England (and this awesome couple) just showing off!This is why fall engagement sessions are my jam!! 😍 🍁 πŸ‚ ❀️ 🧑 πŸ’›

Fall engagement session in New England
Fall engagement session in New England

This year I have been savoring every chance that I get to hang out with one of my couples during this crazy pandemic…so our sessions literally run until the light is gone because we are just having too much fun to stop!

Fall engagement session in New England

Tracy and Tim, I adore you guys! You are so sweet together and I cannot wait until your wedding next year!

And if you’re looking for a wedding photographer who loves capturing bright, light, true to the day wedding photographs for couples that are a little bit nerdy, and absolutely crazy about each other then hit me up HERE

New England wedding photographer
  1. […] they would be sweet, I knew it when we met at their engagement session! You can see that session here! But this blog isn’t just sweet, it will give you cavities! I hope you enjoy some of my […]


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